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G7 Group Expansion --Trump wants India, Australia, Russia, and South Korea to Join

Trump wants to Expand G7

On Sunday, President Donald Trump announced that he would postpone the meeting of G7  Group that he wanted to hold in late June and invited India, Australia, Russia, and South Korea to join.

"I don't feel that as a G7  it properly represents what's going on in the world. It's a very outdated group of countries,' said Trump

At that time the Indo-Pacific region is an important region because all trade and military activities are here of the world. Out of  G7 countries, there is only one country which comes in the Indo-pacific region, this is Japan. That's why it is important to add South Korea, India, and Australia.

What is G7?

The Group of Seven (G7) is an International misgovernment economic organization consisting of the seven largest IMF- advanced economies in the world:

 * Canada   * France    * Germany    *Italy     *Japan    *UK     *U.S

Since India and Russia are not advanced economies, however, this has never hindered the acceptance of a country into this group. But there is an exception in 1997 Russia join  G7. At that time and yet Russia was not advanced economic. And Russia was kicked out in 2014 due to events in Ukraine(Crimea).

Similarly, the UK government has also approached the US and proposed 'D10' group of  10 democratic countries, including G7 countries, UK, US, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, and Canada, Australia, South Korea, and India to avoid dependence on China and aim to create alternative suppliers of 5G equipment and other technologies.

Both the proposals, expansion of G7 and D10 by the U.S, UK  but the motive is one to keep China at bay and to contain and isolate Beijing.

India point's

Even though the U.S and India have increased cooperation to a large extent there is no international forum where the leaders of two nations meet regularly without the presence of China.

If India joins the expanded G-7 group then it will open more economic opportunities for India. There are already talks of making D-10 groups limit Chinese influence in the field of 5G technology. Similar more proposals could come in the future.

 U.S wants to counter China by including India, Australia, Russia and South Korea into G7 group. Because India, Australia, Russia, and South Korea are neighbours countries of China.

On Friday Trump ordered his administration to end special US treatment for Hong Kong after China's decision to introduce a new security law on the former British colony.

STAY Tuned !

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