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Russia wants China also in G-7 expansion

Russia does not join without China

Russia indicated that they will not join the G-7 expansion proposed by President Donald Trump without China.

The Konstantin Kosachev Russian lawmaker also said Moscow wasn't enthusiastic about the proposal by US President to invite four countries, including India and Russia, for G-7 as it didn't want to join any bloc or alliance against China.

Russian lawmaker also said that Russia's relationship with China was the strongest ever in history and it will grow stronger as the US's anti-Chinese campaign intensifies. 

" U.S President wants to get a number of countries together with some form of joint opposition to China..., That's the current strategy of Americans. I am absolutely against building any bloc or coalition aimed against a third party"

Russia-China Friendship
  • The Russia-China partnership is an outcome of their shared dissatisfaction with American hegemony.
  • Both Russia and China suppose the U.S - led liberal hegemony as it does not take their interests into account.
  • The Government of Russia said it planned to increase the volume of bilateral trade with China to $200 billion by 2024.
  • Russia and China also opposed the U.S led military campaigns against Serbia, Iraq, and Libya.
  • Both Moscow and Beijing believe that U.S unilateralism poses significant threats to their sovereignty and interests.

The Group of Seven (G7) is an International misgovernment economic organization consisting of the seven largest IMF- advanced economies in the world:

 * Canada                   * France                    * Germany                          *Italy                  

 *Japan                       *UK                           *U.S

In 1994 G-7 countries invited Russia as a guest observer, later as a full participant. After 1997 Russia was formally invited in meeting and joined the group result Group of Eight or G-8.

And in March 2014, other countries in G-8 remove Russia from the group due to annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine. Then the group became G-7 again.

Now in 2020 U.S President invited Russia along with India, Australia, South Korea. But other countries of G-7 Canada, France, UK, and Germany oppose Russia joining in G-7.

Boris Johnson's spokesperson says the UK will not support move unless Moscow 'ceases aggressive and destabilizing activity'.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau says Russia will not be included in the group of G-7.

The EU says " U.S President as host of an upcoming G-7 summit can invite any country as a guest observer but that Russia should not be allowed permanently back into the fold.

Stay tuned!

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